The 3 week stall

I have hit the dreaded 3 week stall, I’ve heard this happens, but I guess I had hoped it wouldn’t happen to me. Basically, it means that weight loss has stopped for now. From what I’ve read from others, weight loss stalls, but keep following your eating/working out plan and eventually the body responds. It has something to do with the trauma that your body just went through with surgery. It’s understandable, but WOW does it stink!!!! I mean, I came home from the hospital with excess water weight. Lost that and another 40 lbs like BAM and now nothing. It’s super frustrating, but if this is normal and will eventually get me to my goal of 137, I will just deal with it.

In other news, 

my super anal surgeon (I would NEVER recommend her) has FINALLY ok’d me to do cardio “as tolerated” other than just walking. So that means I can go back to the gym and ride the bike….super exciting to me.


The other little tidbit that isn’t really discussed is sex. You can’t have any for 6 weeks after your surgery. Of course, this is all based on the surgeon’s discretion and may be different per surgeon, but it’s something I wanted to mention.


My last sidenote is that today I ate Wendy’s chili, small bowl, blended up….yes it looked disgusting, BUT all I was eating was scrambled eggs with cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner and that irony of scrambled eggs is that ever since I had my stroke in 2009, I woke up HATING scrambled eggs and lunch meat. BUT when you’ve only had liquids for 4 weeks and you move on to the pureed phase and scrambled eggs are on your “approved” list, you eat them. I still hate how they smell when they are cooking, they smell like wet dog to me, but taste wonderful. Anyway, today’s chili was beyond fabulous. Now after this phase I will probably never eat Wendy’s chili again, buy we’ll see. 🙂

Also, for those interested, I learned about this website: EXCELLENT resource for all things bariatric surgery. I haven’t tried any of the recipes, but I did go grocery shopping and got the ingredients for her ricotta bake and mashed cauliflower, which I’m excited for some variety to foods 

So that’s all I have for today, hopefully by my next post, the scale will start moving again 🙂

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