Month: January 2014

Homeschool Happenings

As a parent in the United States of America, I have the right to teach my child/ren at home. I love this basic freedom.

Now mind you, I never thought I would partake in this basic freedom. In fact when I was first having children, a homeschool mom friend asked if I might consider the option when my children because school aged. I, all but laughed in her face, stating, “I’m not called by God for such an endeavor” I told her, she was amazing and walked away thinking, how crazy must she be? You see I was sure I was too inadequate to take on such a task and surely God would love my children more than that, to have an inadequate, unprepared mother homeschool them. After all, my degree is in social work, NOT elementary education. How in the world could I educate my kids at home, when I was the first generation line in my immediate family to go to college?

Well fast forward 8 years and here I am. I have two beautiful children. One who is a straight A, social kid, who loves waking up at 5:30 am every morning to get ready for school. She literally loves school. I’m sure she gets this from her dad. I was not like this as a kid, middle schooler, high schooler or even college student. Then I have my elementary kid, he’s more like me. Doesn’t really like school, if he never went again that would be perfectly ok with him. You see, my son fell through the cracks around first grade, when most kids were learning to read, he wasn’t picking it up as quickly and since he was in a small private school it wasn’t targeted as a problem. However, since that time he has struggled and struggled with school, hence the reason why I don’t think he likes it. Since reading is such a foundational skill, I think it’s important to try to get him caught back up. But how can this be done?

Then it hits me…..the dreaded thought….H.O.M.E.S.C.H.O.O.L.  dun dun DUN!!!

So I’m investigating this option for my son’s next year of school, his fourth grade year. I admit, at first, I was terrified about even thinking of it. But then I remembered. I have a pretty big God, who loves me and my son very intimately and I thought…DUH

I CAN do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.

So I will make the final decision by May 2014, but for a mom who was sure I would never educate my child at home. I can honestly say I’m kinda excited about it. The thought doesn’t terrify me as it once did.


SO I’ve decided to move to a different blog host, please bear with me as I make this transition. Also, I’ve discovered since starting my other Gastric Sleeve Journey blog how much I love to write. So the focus of this new blog is happenings in our family, so far away family can stay updated and also it will serve as a place for my personal ramblings. Curious to know your thoughts….will you read this content? LEAVE A COMMENT and tell me your thoughts…interesting? boring?